FAQ: All About the BOTOX® Lip Flip

Side profile of a woman who is touching her lips with her hand. (MODEL)

Are you wondering if the BOTOX® lip flip is really all that? Or is the hype you’re hearing just lip service?! After originally trending and gaining notoriety on TikTok, the BOTOX lip flip is becoming a mainstream procedure for men and women seeking subtle lip enhancement. Keep reading for answers to some of your most common lip flip questions:

Before & After Lip Augmentation Case 191 View #1 View in Houston, TX
Before & After a BOTOX Lip Flip
Before & After Lip Augmentation Case 191 View #2 View in Houston, TX
Before & After a BOTOX Lip Flip

What Is a Lip Flip?

This popular 10-minute cosmetic procedure uses BOTOX injections to relax the muscles of the upper lip. After being injected with a low dosage, the lip flips slightly upward. The administered doses are purposefully low to help you achieve subtle results while preserving lip movement.

Lip Flip vs. Filler: What’s the Difference?

Lip fillers contain hyaluronic acid to give your lips dramatic volume once injected. In contrast, the BOTOX lip flip focuses on repositioning and reshaping your lips without adding extra volume. That’s why lip flip vs. lip filler results are typically less noticeable and more natural-looking.

How Does the Lip Flip Cost Compare to Lip Filler?

The lip flip requires very few units of BOTOX (usually 2 to 4 units per side), which makes it a much more affordable option than lip fillers.

Will a Lip Flip Fix a “Gummy Smile?”

Yes! If you’re self-conscious about having your gums on display, a lip flip can correct the lip from curling inward when you smile.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Lip Flip?

The best lip flip patients have realistic expectations about their procedure and potential results. Remember, the results of a lip flip are subtle and natural. Lip fillers are probably a better choice if you are hoping for more dramatic volume.

What is Lip Flip After Care Like?

While you may experience some minor swelling or bruising at the injection site, the procedure requires very few units of BOTOX. This low dosage carries minimal side effects. After your treatment, you can immediately return to your normal activities.

How Long Does a Lip Flip Last?

Your fashionably fuller results will appear within 10 days and last for roughly 8 to 10 weeks. At that point, we encourage you to see us again for another lip flip treatment. Or, you may prefer to ramp up the volume next time by getting dermal lip fillers—the choice is yours!

Who Should I See for My Lip Flip Treatment?

Make sure you choose a skilled injector who can safely and expertly deliver your desired results. Our team is highly experienced in lip flip and lip filler treatments, especially our very own Shayla Arceneaux, PA-C. Shayla is a nationally certified physician assistant and aesthetic injector with over a decade of experience administering injectables and other cosmetic and medical dermatology treatments.

Ready to plump up your pout without using fillers? Let us help you achieve naturally subtle yet stunning results for your lips with a lip flip. Please request a consultation or call us at (713) 571-0600 to schedule an appointment.

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